Can God ‘speak’ through our dreams? A Catholic response

Many Christians frown upon any notion of dream interpretation, due to its apparent association with New Age divination, which is of course strictly forbidden.[1] This being said, what of the ample biblical evidence of God speaking to mankind through dreams, such as with Daniel (Dan 2, 4), Joseph the son of Jacob (Gen 40), twice…

How should Catholics relate with psychology?

This is an important question with many avenues to explore, so I will only make a start here to get us thinking. The word catholic (small c) actually means something like ‘the whole,’ or ‘the collective.’ Therefore the way Catholics should understand the field of psychology should also be according to ‘the whole’, and not…

Violence in video games and aggression

I aim only to offer a brief reflection here, as this is really part of a larger conversation on the effects of interactive media and our imagination. Firstly, I feel it would be a little simplistic to make a definitive causal link between violence in video games and an increase in aggressive behaviour, not least…

Video Game Addiction in Teens: A Pastoral Perspective for Parents

Note to reader: This is a research paper done for assessment. To download the full printable PDF version, click here. Why this article  The origin of this article was a research paper completed during my Bachelor of Ministry. Due to the prevalence of the topic, I was encouraged to adapt the paper into this  form…